Monday, December 31, 2012

That Wonderful Smell.. Of Your Pee!??

Ahh… The wonderful moment when You smell the Aroma of Fresh-Brewed Coffee…
…Then you realize that aroma is coming from your pee…

You mean You do not find enjoyment in everything you do in life? You do not learn, laugh, and understand why your pee is suddenly scented, or colored differently?? Oh how you are missing out on some great parts of life…

You know how it is: You are not really focusing on the fact that you are peeing, you smell fresh-brewed coffee, smile, and enjoy the aroma. It is wonderful. It delights your nostrils, makes you smile, and gives you that feeling of “What a beautiful morning!” Then you laugh. You laugh and wonder how many others have done the same thing? You wonder if you are the only one who notices your pee smells just like whatever you have recently consumed. You begin to think that you have never before heard anyone else ever mention this. But do they notice, and just never say anything, or do they not notice?

Ever notice what your pee smells like? Could it be I am The only one who notices such aromas? Could it be because I often pee in places that others do not? (But that is an entirely different post… it will be titled “The Places We Go”) I tend to be very attuned to my surroundings, and smell, or scents play a key factor in my daily life, the memories, and even the feel of any given moment. Who sez going pee needs to be just a necessary chore of life? I say, enjoy it, and find all there is to learn about the body in the process! Also, in addition to noticing the scent, have you ever noticed how your pee is colored differently, depending on what you have consumed? (Yeah, yeah… it is yellow… but there are Soooo many wonderful shades, hues, tints, and brightness of yellow!)

You Know you have had either the perfect amount of coffee, (or possibly too much!) when you go pee, and the aroma of fresh-brewed coffee rises up to greet your nostrils. The aroma of Coffee is usually a welcome aroma… even when you realize it is coming from your pee. But there are other items we consume which scent your pee as well. Some are delightful, and some are not so pleasant.

One of the funniest (surprising) aromas I can remember is the time I ate an entire bag of Funyuns. You know… those onion-ring shaped “Chips” (for lack of better description), that have  a sweet-onion flavor, are super salty, and once you eat one, you cannot stop until that bag is entirely gone! 
Well, after I ate that entire bag, the aroma from my pee was not entirely as delectable as the original flavor and aroma when they were still in chip-form. It was quite comical, though, because it was unmistakable as the aroma that eating Funyuns would create! Sure, the smell was still of onions, even sweet, too. But it also had quite an overwhelming pungency…. But not in a bad way. It is really difficult to describe, so I guess you’d just hafta try it for yourself!  And be prepared to laugh at yourself, and how the amazing human body processes all we take-in, and how different items completely change the chemistry in our bodies.

There are soo many other foods, beverages, etc that change the chemistry in our own bodies. Take, for example, Pineapple (or pineapple juice ) on how it is used to help change the way …umm, shall we say “taste”? (Yes, of course I am gonna dare go there!) Perhaps you have not heard of this… Let’s say you happen to enjoy various activities with your partner, activities which may involve your mouth, and their… umm, shall we just say “regions down there”. Many people do not like how a person tastes, but pineapple juice changes the chemistry, making it more “tolerable”. Of course, there are many other “flavorings” which work, too, but this is one that is more-widely known than some of the others. The point is that almost anything we consume Does change how the body smells, tastes, even sometimes feels. (Of course, it would be simple to apply something topically to change the scent, flavor, or feel… but that is like putting salt on the rim of your favorite Margarita… it is only on the edge, the flavor in the cup is still the same. If the margarita is not a good flavor, the salt only goes so far to cover it. If the flavor is changed from within, then you need not lick the rim to enjoy the cup… you can simply go enjoy the cup, and not worry about where the salt is not covering… or if you will run out of salt before you finish the cup.)

Enough about that area… let me get back to my original thought on the way our pee is scented.
Other foods which I have noticed create some particularly pleasant aromas, even more-fun colors, would include large quantities of popcorn, pretzels, nuts, chips, and cheeses. Even pizza, or bread-sticks loaded with butter, seasonings, and other flavorings! If you notice, most of these are high in salt. I have concluded that somehow the salt plays an important part in getting these scents into the urine, whereas other less-salty foods may have slight scents in the urine, they are not as noticeable. With the popcorn, it is especially fun to discover how the different flavors we often add to our popcorn creates various smells. Popcorn, all by itself is wonderful! But add lots of butter, and suddenly you have a smell of sweet, salty fresh buttered-popcorn! Make your popcorn cheesy, and you end-up with a wonderful aroma of cheesy popcorn! Of course, on the topic of cheeses: If you enjoy cheese, you know there are so many choices, and each is suited for its own occasion. You know how strong, or sharp, or smoky various cheeses are to the taste. Now imagine how much those same features become very prominent in your pee! Like smoky cheeses? Your pee will have a wonderful smoky aroma. Like Jalapeno cheeses? Yup! Jalapeno-pee! Like Extra sharp cheese? Yup… you get a very strong, sharp scent in your pee! How about nuts? 
(The ones that grow in nature, not the ones grown as part of a male’s anatomy!~ ugh, you all have such dirty minds… Oh, wait… I Do Too!) Every kind of nut creates its own scent. Don’t believe me? I guess you need to experiment for yourself! Keep in mind, I am talking large quantities of any of the above foods, not simply a handful, or nibble.

On the topic of beverages, Of course Coffee is high on the list of ones creating pleasant aromas. But almost any beverage would do the same if consumed in large quantities. Try various flavors of tea. How about your favorite fruit-juices? I like Cranberry Juice. But I only notice the smell appears when I drink it hot. Yup, just warm it in a mug in the microwave, and drink it like a tea... ~Ahhh, heavenly! And of course the smell is unbeatable as it scents your pee! Yup, even alcohol will be Very obvious in the scent of your pee. (Even tho’ I never drink any more, and it has been a very long time since I did experiment with alcohol.) I learned from my own experiences, plus by being near others when they pee’d.

I know I am not the only one whose urine is scented like what has been consumed, but the few times I have ever mentioned this to anyone else, they seem to think it is the craziest thing they have ever heard-of! I have often been around others when they pee, and have mentioned what scent I smelled, and they thought that was weird. I am always wondering why others do not notice their scent(s). I wonder if my sense of smell, or my awareness if it is different, or if it is simply that they never paid attention. I tend to pay attention to details many do not, and often those who notice what I observe are amazed. I tend to think the scent of urine detection is in that category. It seems that few notice it, and those few who do, would rather not admit, or discuss that they do.  
I have never been offended just because someone pees. Sure, it is often embarrassing, or somehow humiliating to either see anther go, or to have them see you… but as long as it is happening, might as well enjoy it, right? (I will address this topic more in the soon-to be posted topic of “The Places We Go”)
How about you? Have You Ever noticed what scents your pee has? Would you admit it if you did? Have you purposely consumed certain foods, or beverages to see what it would change? (And if you have not, … I am betting you will soon… !)

Meanwhile, I think I will have another cup of coffee…  Happy Pee-ing Everyone! ~=:-)
A Caution!: As if this whole writing isn't gonna already be a tad-off-color... I do not wanna totally shock ya. This Next Picture might be considered a bit more shocking. Yes, I am nekkid in this picture, but nothing is visible... except the coffee cup... I think it is funny, and fits this topic quite well, but if you aren't sure you wanna see me covered only by a coffee mug, then perhaps, either enter with an open mind, or closed eyes... Or just don't scroll any further. 
Coffee Anyone??
May You consume what gives you wonderful smiles as you pee... :)


  1. Bwahaha. Oh, my wacky and hilarious friend, you're hilarious. I have noticed that coffee scent in my pee at times. It happens when the coffee is really strong. Not so much when it's weak. Kind of funny to be sitting on the toilet enjoying a nice pee and all of a sudden you get a whiff of the coffee you just drank 30 minutes ago. Too funny.

    And that last photo of you? BRILLIANT! I can definitely agree with the BOLD part!

    1. Thanks, Kim! Hehe... And you think my coffee is too strong (Well, to be exact, you said "Damn! This coffee will put hair on your a**!" ~Grin! Well, perhaps instead of puting the hair there, it burns it off? Hahaha! May I offer you another cup? ~=:-)


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