Today is Memorial Day.
~A Caution to all: This Is NOT a “I Love Memorial Day” Post.
It is not gonna make you feel all warm and fuzzy, or even nostalgic. It may
even make you think (God forbid, something makes you think!), or upset you. I
express a few of my own views about this day which do not match most. If you
decide to get pissed-off at my views, then that is your choice. Perhaps, maybe…
it just might get you to look at our military from a slightly different
perspective. Do You seek Peace? Really?
You have been prewarned… Read at your own desire.
Yes, I am aware of what it is supposed to be for. Is it
wrong that days like today tend to upset me? The day does not upset me for the
reasons most would first guess. I am not upset because of death, sacrifice,
past history, or any number of other reasons most get emotional when they think
about the significance of this day. Is it wrong that I have thought feelings,
views, beliefs, and opinions that do not match most others'? Is it wrong that I
have sought information, understanding, and knowledge about what has led to
where we are today in life? I do not simply take a "holiday" as it is
told to me by society. I do not simply "believe" what the majority
does, nor do I say what everyone has been taught to say on days like today.
Yes, we have certain freedoms in America, and one of those
freedoms is "freedom of speech". But that is limited to what those
around you want you to say, believe, and mimic in their own views. On days like
today, it is expected that we all are supposed to say the same things, pretend
to feel the same way, and not truly express our freedoms.
I DO have quite strong views about our "freedom",
our military, the deaths, the sacrifices, and everything that is significant on
this day.
I am not on this Earth to upset people. But I am here to make
a difference. So, I ask why is it I am not supposed to be who I am on days like
today? I am created different, and everyone who knows me accepts, appreciates,
and embraces that uniqueness... except on days like this one. On days like
today, I am expected to act just like everyone else. I understand that many
people would be greatly upset, and that is not my purpose. But why is it on a
day like today, everyone is expected to say the things that are upsetting, and
make me want nothing to do with them... yet I cannot say my mind?
America is hardly the land of the free.
For whatever you choose to see in this day... May you find
Peace happiness, and maybe, possibly even Freedom....
...I Challenge you to think outside the calendar. I
challenge you to find peace. Real Peace, not Peace created from violence,
death, battles, and imagined heroes. I challenge you to find a hero in someone
not wearing a uniform, carrying a gun, and strong-arming others to comply with
their uniformity. I challenge you to find peace, love, and compassion without
anybody needing to die in unnecessary battles.
For those who have decided to join, support, or in any other
way be connected to the military: That is your choice. Those who have joined,
served, fought, died... Those are you choices. We each choose different paths
in life. Those who choose to go looking for a fight will find it. Those who go
looking for peace will find it. Peace never comes from violence. Death, fear, suffering,
and insecurity arise from violence, battles, and militaries.
If someone dies because they went looking for a fight, then
they got what they wanted. Why would we feel they sacrificed anything? They
Chose to go that path. If anything, they chose the easy way out. They died.
They no longer are forced to live in this hell man has created. They no longer
are forced to conform to the rules of society, working their tail off just to
go and pay the next person for the right to exist on this Earth. Those who went
into the military, and died took an exit from this battle the rest of us are forced
to endure for as long as we are alive. Our world is not a better place at all
from any military actions. America certainly is not peaceful. We certainly do
not have “Freedom” And Nothing good has ever come from any military action
anywhere on the globe. As long as there are people fighting, there will never
be peace. As long as greedy people believe they should be greedy, there will
never be peace. No amount of military involvement has ever created peace
If America was free, we would not have the rampant violence,
gangs, thefts, and greed. If America was free, there would not be rape, child-molesters, physical violence, bullies, kidnappings, or abuse. If America was truly free, there would never be anyone suffering because they were homeless. Those who chose to be without a home could live happily, free, comfortably, instaed of suffering, and treated as if they were scum. If our military was all about peace, they would focus
on exactly that, not in wars. If “we” have the greatest military, then why do
we not have peace, or freedom here? Since so many people believe seeking a fight is the
best solution, I have an offer for them: use that desire to fight and go after
those in your own country who also seek a fight. Put all the greedy seekers of
violence together, and let them kill each other off. THAT WOULD HELP! If our
military wanted peace, they would eradicate the gangs, the thieves, the people
who wish to do harm to others. But “our military recruits people who Want to
fight, Want to steal, and Want to harm others. The military creates Death, Violence, and Greed. The military actively seeks, encourages, and trains people
to harm others. The military fosters the mentality that greed, harm, violence,
theft, and insecurity are all good things. And when you teach people in large
quantities to behave like that, there will always be death, loss, and
suffering. When you foster that kind of behavior, those who do not die, and later rejoin society as a civilian, they will continue to be greedy, seek violence, and fight.
We all will die. Nobody can deny this. How and when we die
is uncertain. But if this world wanted True PEACE, there would not be a need
for days like today. Why do we pay special tribute to those who have helped
create death?? Why do we call these people heroes? Why would anybody believe that
because someone went looking for a fight, we should somehow feel sorry for
them, thank them, or give them anything special? Those who are supposedly "honored" today already got exactly what they wanted. They went after it, and got it. They got their reward. As long as people on this
Earth go looking for a fight, There will be deaths because of their desires.
If you are one who chose a job in the military, that was
your choice. You never entered that job without knowing full-well what the
outcome would be. Death, Suffering, Violence. When People seek a fight, they
will find it.
Now, for those who think I am completely convinced that
everyone in any military is a bad person… Nope, not at all. I happen to know
many who are the exceptions. I know many who have joined, served, lost lives,
suffered, etc who also happen to be the most passionate, caring, loving humans
I’ve ever met. But that does not mean they were seeking peace. Nobody joins the
military for peace. If they do, they are deluding themselves. I cannot change
that people on this Earth will do things they absolutely swear they are
against. But I can ask: Why would you join a military, if you truly wanted
peace? There obviously are other reasons… and they usually boil down to greed.
They wanted free housing, medical, food, clothing, and a way out of the normal
society. I've known many who "ran way" to join the military to avoid jail, prison, penalties, fines, etc. I've known many who join because their past is about to catch-up with them, and they do not feel they should be held accountable. I've known many who have done such horrific crimes against others that they join the militray so they cannot be prosecuted. The military is all about the greed, violence, and death. But it does offer to those who wish to run form life a great protected escape from that life, but nothing is free. The price they paid for their escape is often death. Many join believing the military had their best interests in mind, such as
providing “free schooling”… Yet nothing is truly free. So while they went in
seeking something for themselves, protection from their past, or for any other reason, they Still supported the violence, the death,
the fight. If people truly were against that, they would not support it, and
certainly would not join. It is a choice. They chose. I, too have made choices in life which did not turn out to be so great. Yup, I've suffered because of those choices. But I gotta accept that I chose. Same as those who chose the military. We each choose. We each must accept the consequenses of our choices.
For those who suffer from the loss of a loved-one who was in
the military: Yes, I am sorry for your loss. I have never sought for others to
die, nor wish that upon their families and friends. Death is hard on everyone,
and often those left behind have a hard time accepting it. I do not for one
second discount this, nor expect you to shrug it off. Death is something I actually
do understand quite well. It is never easy, and often we never fully grasp the
loss. This post is not at all about that. It is about the reason they died, not
what happens after they died. We cannot change what they have chosen, and find
it difficult to go on with our lives based on their choices. How we proceed
after their death is what makes the difference. Why do you think I am so
passionate about Peace? Death has hit me hard. I feel it every day. It cripples
me, and hangs on in my soul. THAT IS WHAT DRIVES ME TO SEEK PEACE. Because of
loss, I sought understanding of what this day really is. What we each do with
the death of one we love is what will determine our future. If we get angry,
and seek a fight, encourage military action, and violence, there will always be
more death and more suffering. If we seek peace with the passion of the pain of
lost lives, we will find peace, compassion, caring, love, and a better world.
So, On this Memorial Day: Definitely remember those who died…
But ask yourself “Why did they die?” If you really seek the answer, you will
see they went looking for a fight… and found it. Does this mean on Memorial Day we should not recognize
this? Nope. We absolutely should! We should look at how we are taught to think,
and learn to see what is really happening. We should ask ourselves: “Do We Want
Peace?” And strive for exactly that. If I have upset you, then that means you
are paying attention. Being upset is actually a good thing! Death causes me to
be upset. Upset enough that I turned to find ways of peace instead of more
death. Maybe by being upset, you will start to seek peace, teach others to seek
peace, and perhaps lead by example? If you take your feeling of being upset,
and turn it toward a fight, lashing-out at others there will never be peace. If
you are upset, GOOD! Do something about it!