It must be Thanksgiving again.
I saw this funny sign yesterday, and it made me think of all that must go thruogh a Turkey's mind in the weeks coming up to Thanksgiving. (And Then I stopped, and looked carefully at the rest of the sign, which featured the Hash House Thanksgiving Dinner menu... The Hash House is just twisted enought to actually possibly serve Ostrich... But they are sticking with Turkey this time.)
Thanksgiving is a time when we are supposed to be thankful for all the wonderful blessings in our lives. Not many Turkeys make it through unharmed, and only those very creative ones can be thankful that they outsmarted the Pilgrim and did not become dinner.
Sure, we all have various traditions that seem to revolve around Thanksgiving. Some celebrate just the fact that they get to spend it with people they have not seen in ages. Some are thrilled they get a four-day weekend from work. Some spend as much time and energy avoiding their family get togethers as some do trying to get those avoiding it to join them. There are so many things connected with Thanksgiving I could choose to write about. In fact I have written about one of my Favorite Thanksgivings already. You can read that one here.
This year, I want to focus on what it takes to survive, as a Turkey in the season when they are so valuable. I am sure that in the early days, it was not so hard for a Turkey, since they were pretty much wild, and it was purely luck and fate that determined if they became dinner, or if they remained to live another season. Once they became caged, fenced or otherwise contained, it made escaping the platter a bit more of a challenge.
Of Course there is the Classic try to get another farm animal to be the intended target...
Or a Turkey could attempt to wear a disguise....
There are numerous ways Turkeys have managed to survive Thanksgiving over the years.
A few years ago, I had the opportunity to get really creative with my fence in a very large apartment complex where I happened to live and also work... To say I took advantage of my position and used the fence for my own joy is a bit of an understatement. But in all fairness, (and much to The Owner's Chagrin) all the tenants loved the fun I added.
My first Thanksgiving in that place, this is what I created:
Yup! An Acme Instant Cow Disguise Kit... Complete with a bucket of Cow Paint.
The next year, not liking to repeat the same thing twice, this was my creation:
This time it was an ACME Instant Pumpkin Disguise Kit.
Yup! You probably noticed the Confuzzled Pilgrim peeking over the fence in each, trying to figure out how and where his Thanksgiving dinner disappeared to.
As You enter into this Thanksgiving week, may you successfully avoid any hazards that you wish to not be part of. May you also find plenty to be Thankful for. If you should decide you need help in either creating a disguise, or in avoiding the family... or even if you just want help in finding something to be thankful for. I am always willing to help. I consider myself a master of all the above.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!